Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Google Zeitgeist 2007

Statistics should help me get a bearing on where I slip into the scale. On the high? On the low?

But then, then inescapable destructive force of cynical suspicious paranoid thought penetrates and I think that Google is just inciting us to note these categories.

How humanity's Top-10 search list for 'Who is...' so perfectly encompasses both God and Satan; Satan squeezes and slips into spot ten.

(What I find more interesting is that the dictionary wants to change 'satan' with a lower-case 's' to upper-case but 'god' can be left with a lower-case 'g'. Not that I care either way - to me it's about the context. But in this case, when the context would possibly be the same, I note the inconsistency of treating god better/worse than satan.)

And what an encouraging thought that 'love' was our #1 'What is...' Frankly, I love it, and what a better way to start 2008 with an understand that at the very least, though humanity's web savvy population may not always show love, it most certainly is very interested in the concept.
clipped from www.google.com
Google Zeit

No matter how much changed throughout the course of the year, we found time to ponder a few age-old questions. The open-ended nature of many of these questions reminds us that sometimes it's about the search -- not the conclusion.

All of these searches had the largest volume on Google.com in the U.S.

Who, What, How

Who is...

  1. who is god

  2. who is who

  3. who is lookup

  4. who is jesus

  5. who is it

  6. who is buckethead

  7. who is calling

  8. who is keppler

  9. who is this

  10. who is satan

What is...

  1. what is love

  2. what is autism

  3. what is rss

  4. what is lupus

  5. what is sap

  6. what is bluetooth

  7. what is emo

  8. what is java

  9. what is hpv

  10. what is gout

How to...

  1. how to kiss

  2. how to draw

  3. how to knit

  4. how to hack

  5. how to dance

  6. how to crochet

  7. how to meditate

  8. how to flirt

  9. how to levitate

  10. how to skateboard

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